In today’s fast paced competitive world of ecommerce, mobility combined with video will keep you ahead of all your competitors. Today it’s really all about using the social media model when it comes to Branding You, Your Product, Your Company and Your Service. People like to do business with people they like and trust and the best way to achieve this is through Video.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video has got to be worth a Billion! Today nothing will “Brand” you faster than video. With video you have no competition, because no one looks or sounds like you. How you dress along with your body language will speak volumes.

It is said that by 2015 ninety percent (90%) of All communication will be video based. Therefore if you are not yet using video, now is the time to start if you want to stay ahead of your competition or get lost in the dust. Do not wait until everyone is using video to get started, lead by example. I know some people do not like change and feel uncomfortable with new technology, but with the tools available today, it is really easy to do video and it’s fun as well.

It does not matter what kind of business you are in today, whether you provide a product or service, video will do the convincing, the selling for you. People do not like to be “Sold”, but they do love to “Buy”.

With video you have No competition, Zero, you see nobody looks, sounds and talks like you. People get to see your body language and how you dress and present yourself. Video’s are easy to do with either a Smartphone, Ipad, tablet or camcorder. It just takes a little practice. Here are Ten Tips to get you started:

· Just be yourself

· look into the camera

· speak clearly

· have a point (topic)

· keep it short

· smile, look friendly

· pick a suitable location for your topic

· check the lighting before you start

· do a fifteen second test video before the final version

· it does not have to be an academy award performance

If you can leave a voicemail message, you can make a video message it really is easy!

Check out the “Easy to Use” Video Business Tools I Use. If you need help send me an email or give me a call, I am here to help. Click on  Do it Now, Take the Tour and join me Today!

I have designed this website with many videos and information on the Greater Vancouver market.

“Marketing Through Service”

How to keep your job, get a promotion or find a new one


In today’s uncertain world economy, with major corporations in serious financial trouble, and laying off employees, how safe is your job? How safe is the company you are working for? These can be stressful times for everyone. “Recession is when a neighbor losses his job. Depression is when you lose yours”. Ronald Reagan



The good news is, with the right attitude and your personal business plan, your job should not be in jeopardy; in fact, you could be in for a promotion.

When times are tough senior management are looking for upbeat employees with positive can do attitudes, employees that are not afraid and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep and make the business successful. Winston Churchill said it best. “A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty”.  These employees are team players with excellent people and communication skills.


Your personal business plan will include all your skill sets and how they fit in with your present or future position. The job you presently have is a stepping stone to the next level, and you have to be well prepared to take advantage when that position becomes available. Most employees today will have many opportunities for job and career changes. Job and career changes happen when technology changes, companies merge or go under.


If your company lays you off, or goes under, you have to be prepared to take advantage of other opportunities. The best way to be prepared is to start networking now. Volunteer in your community for something that interests you. Get more involved in your present company, and join a committee. The more networking you do now, the more it will pay huge dividends in the future.


People that network often hear of job openings before they are advertised, giving them the advantage. When you network you never know who you are going to meet today that can help you tomorrow. “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want”. Zig Ziglar


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Marketing Through Service – Where do you trim expenses during a Recession?


When it comes to a recession, smart businesses and smart people have been cutting back on nonessential expenses. Easy to say now, but besides the fortunate few, who really knew the recession was coming? So forget what we should have done and let’s start looking at what we can to do now.


It seems every financial advisor is giving advice on how to manage the family budget. Simply make a list of your fixed expenses such as; rent or mortgage payments, insurance, automobile etc, and then determine where you can cut the non fixed items, the luxuries, dining out, the morning latte etc. Working families generally have a fixed income, so budgeting is easier but no less painful than for businesses.


For businesses it is more difficult as all expenditures are tightly budgeted to income projections. When revenue targets are not met, expenses have to be cut. The big question is where to cut expenses, advertising, and customer service or layoff employees. Careful consideration is crucial and the top priority has to be to save and grow your customer base. “Service is the lifeblood of every business, everything flows from it and is fed by it”.  Peter E. Smith As I have said many times, without customers we have no business!


During difficult times businesses generally classify employees into two groups, the ones who generate income and the others who are administrators or managers. It is almost the chicken or the egg theory. The pressure on employees, when the revenues decline, is evenly split as everyone’s job is vulnerable. When sales decline; do you add more sales people, replace the ones you now have or advertise more? Do you cut advertising, sales incentives and expense accounts or do you spend more on sales incentives and your customers?


History will always show us how companies operated in past recessionary times. Valuable lessons can be learned by studying similar business to yours during those difficult times. “Learning is not compulsory….neither is survival”. W. Ewards Deming There are always causalities and success stories; sometimes you do not have to reinvent the wheel. “Before we build a better mouse trap, we need to find out if there are any mice out there”. Yogi Berra New and old ideas can be added to your business plan at any time.


Employees will always determine which businesses will survive whether times are good or bad.


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“Marketing Through Service”

How can Everyday Employees Increase Customer Revenue?


Today, more than ever, businesses are scrambling for customers in a very competitive world. Employees are concerned that if there customer base erodes; their jobs could be in jeopardy. No company or employee is safe when the economy is in trouble. It is especially critical when the economies around the world are in trouble and the competition becomes even tougher. The sales we once took for granted are no longer there, as every company is looking to cut back on expenses. Let’s face it; sales are everything, business starts with customer service and ends with a sale. “Service is the lifeblood of every business, everything flows from it and is fed by it”.  Peter E. Smith


Every business either sells a product or a service and several companies do both. The employee does not have to be in the sales or service department in order to increase business. It is my belief that every employee is a sales and service representative of the business they are employed in. There are several ways an employee can help increase business.


Today we are living in a hi-tech world where we are just one click away from communicating instantly with anyone, or any business at anytime. With this thought in mind, you have to wonder why at times it is so difficult to actually talk live to someone. I know from talking with many people they find it very frustrating. So what can you do to increase revenue for your company?


Networking is the best way every employee can spread the company message. For example, if you were self employed you would want to tell everyone you knew, what it is you are doing. You would want to get business from wherever you could and hope that your friends would recommend your business to others. The company message is just that. It describes what the company does and how it does it. As an employee you should be happy in your position and proud of the company you are associated with. “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing”.  Andrew Carnegie. You can start spreading your company message by social networking, which seems to be all the rage today. There are several free websites available such as; Facebook and Twitter to name a few.


Friends and neighbors are interested in who you work for and what it is you do. What you tell them will say a lot about the kind of person you are and the company that employees you. People are always interested and often have ulterior motivates for asking. Maybe they are looking for a job, or have a friend who is. People like to do business with people they like and trust. When someone you know is or was in the market for something your company provides, hopefully they would not hesitate in calling or referring your company. This is how you can increase business revenue for your company. Let everyone you know, what it is your company does. There is nothing worse than running into someone you know who just purchased the very thing that your company provides from someone else because they didn’t know about your company. You feel stupid and embarrassed, after all you are working for the best company and you certainly would want your friends to have the best, wouldn’t you? Let your boss know what you are doing, your actions will let him/her know how much you like and care about your company and it could end up saving your job!


© Copyright Peter E. Smith

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If you want great customer service, then you have to start by being a good customer. It all starts with your attitude, good or bad, happy or sad. People with positive, happy attitudes change everything. Have you ever noticed that when you meet a stranger and they smile at you, how good it makes you feel? The same is true about customer service. When we are being served or waiting to be served, try and put yourself in the customer service representative’s position. Wouldn’t you like it if your customer first smiled at you and then said hello? It makes a huge difference in the way people are treated. Treat everyone the way that you would like to be treated and you will find that you will receive much better service.


Good customer service is really a license to print money. Zig Ziglar said it best. “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help other people get what they want”. Great customer service comes from the heart. You have no doubt seen this a few times, where the customer service representative went overboard to satisfy and exceed your expectations. Because of the actions of this person you felt really good about the company you just did business with. In fact you would more than likely tell some of your friends about your experience, and they in turn would tell others. These actions from that customer service person resulted in word of mouth advertising, word of mouth referrals, and these referrals are like gold, businesses treasure them.


Exceptional customer service starts with good solid leadership. “You get the best efforts from others not by lighting a fire under them, but by building a fire within”. Bob Nelson. “The greatest management principal in the world is the things that get rewarded and appreciated get done”. Michael LeBouef. Being a customer service representative is a wonderful and rewarding profession. Everyone is a customer service representative; the only difference is how we are compensated. The professional, is the one that works for a company gets paid financially, as well as being personally rewarded and appreciated at times by their customers. The other kind of service representative, perhaps like you and me, get rewarded in a different way. If for example you are “Just a housewife” with children at home, you get your rewards in many wonderful ways. Your satisfaction comes from teaching your children social skills, how to do things for themselves, keeping your home nice, shopping, washing clothes, preparing meals, and the list goes on. You cannot find a more important customer service representative than this person. If you are a single mother or father, your job is incredibly difficult, but still can be very rewarding. Of course it helps if you have a spouse that can assist with some of the chores. People helping people are really doing them a service. Often most people who volunteer their services for free, get their rewards from their inner feelings, it just feels good helping others. It’s the right thing to do and it feels really good.


At the end of the day, if you have not enjoyed the time you have spent, if you are not happy, what’s the point? It’s your life. You are responsible for the results. If you want to be a happier person, start with the right attitude, smile and treat people properly. We are all customers and we are all service representatives. You can make a difference, but it has to start with you. “Its not where you start…it’s where you finish that counts”. Zig Ziglar



© Copyright Peter E. Smith


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How to get Customer Referrals and Sales Leads in Any Business



“Without customers you have no business, you have absolutely nothing”. The best way to get customers is from referrals and sales leads.  A sales lead or prospect is a business opportunity to gain a customer and make a sale. The best sales leads are from referrals. The best referrals in the world are word of mouth recommendations from friends and associates. Other referrals come in the form of personal endorsements from well known people. These well known recognizable people are often in the movie and sports industries.


“Example isn’t another way to teach, it’s the only way to teach”… Albert Einstein.


Let’s look at the customer loyalty programs that can produce word of mouth referrals. There are many successful programs presently being used. Here are some examples.


Customer appreciation programs:


·        Some coffee shops offer a free cup of coffee after a certain number of cups have been purchased. The customer is issued a card that is stamped every time a coffee is purchased. This is an easy way for the customer to keep track of purchases, and is an incentive for them to keep coming back. The customer is very likely to tell their friends. With regular customers come other perks, such as a free donut or other discounted food item.

·        Most restaurants have daily specials on their food and beverage menus, but some give out coupons that offer a discount on their next meal. Often restaurants will do some direct advertising in the form of flyers with discount coupons to attract new customers. It is the quality of the food and service that will keep their customers coming back and referring them to others.

·        Some large grocery stores offer a customer appreciation day. On a certain day each month, the customer will receive a 10% off all purchases (usually with a minimum purchase of $35.00). Other shops have senior day discounts, often one day per week (usually the slowest day, Tuesday) and the discount is 5% off everything with no minimum purchase.

·        Other stores often have scratch cards where the customer scratches off an immediate discount ranging anywhere fro 5 – 75% off all purchases. While some will offer, buy one item and get the next one at 25% off.

·        Most of the major gas stations offer loyalty programs offering points that can be redeemed for free gas or other items the station sells.

·        Financial and retail stores usually offer points that can be redeemed for just about anything from travelers cheques, air travel, hotel accommodation and or a catalog of items.

·        Service industries often outsource to marketing companies to acquire leads. Have you ever been phoned by a carpet cleaning company offering you a special deal?


It seems today, that most customers collect points, coupons, and other incentives, as a normal or expected way of doing business. Marketing through service is always the best way to get referrals and sales leads.


The hospitality industry is huge and extremely competitive and will come up with many innovative and creative ways of getting customers from sales leads, advertising and referrals. Most companies have affiliate programs and can put together vacation packages that include everything. Including transportation to and from residence to departure terminal (train, bus, ship or airport) carrier, destination hotel (all inclusive, food, drinks, and entertainment) all taxes, gratuities, transfers for one payment on a credit card. Each component of the package is important to the overall success, as everyone who goes on vacation will tell their friends all about it. For example, if the local taxi rides to or from your residence was enjoyable, you would more than likely use that service again and also recommend them to others. The same is true for all of the other components.


Every facet of the vacation/tourism business offers incentives to their customers. However it is the service they receive from the vendor that will determine whether your company gets any referrals or bad press.


Other business, besides advertising for customers, can purchase sales leads from marketing companies. Marketing companies often use telemarketing centers and direct mail and door to door campaigns to acquire these sales leads. Companies that outsource this function to professionals often get the best results.


As you can see, there are many programs being used to attract customers, keep them coming back, spending more and “Referring” your business to others. Some programs that worked well in the past, but are now forgotten, should be revived. At the end of the day if you want referrals, make sure your customers are completely satisfied. “Offer them great service, and make what you want to sell easy for them to buy”.


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Marketing Through Service – What Person Made a Change in Your Life Last Year?


Have you ever noticed when you look back over the past year how someone you met altered your course?  I refer to course, as the direction in your life. It may seem small or fairly insignificant at first, but then you soon realize that if it were not for that person your life would be different today.  It could be better or worse.


It is interesting to note, that at certain times throughout the year we tell ourselves that starting from this certain date, this time, that I will start this or that. I might stop doing something I find difficult to do.  For most of us, the time is at New Years when we make a list of resolutions.  Our personal goals, such as; we want to lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, quit drinking alcohol, make a ton of money or whatever.  We have new hopes, and dreams, because at a certain date or at a certain time, we have an opportunity to start over, to start something new.  We are in a sense reborn. Resolutions offer hope, a way for us to change, and make our lives better. Ideas are born the moment we think of them, and write them down as our goals and aspirations.


In order for any of these changes to occur, they must be written down.  Written down goals stand a 98.7% chance of being accomplished as opposed to the ones we leave in our mind, only to be forgotten., When that special time in your mind approaches, whether it is at New Years, Spring, Summer, Fall, your birthday or anniversary of some special occasion, have a written plan, and stick with it. “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.  It’s up to “You”.  Only you can make that real difference in your life, and it starts with a written plan.  Don’t let anything stand between you and what you want.  Take the time to do it; you’re worth it, aren’t you?


Earlier, I said that the people we meet throughout the year can play a huge difference in our lives, and determine the outcome.  Have you ever thought how you have changed the lives of so many people throughout the years, and probably never really knew it?   I know there are many, many people whose lives you have altered, and helped.  When you write down your goals always include a section on how you are going to help others. When you help others, you get a sense of personal satisfaction, and this really makes you a better person.  How are you going to make things better?


Always take the time for “You”.  Your time is valuable and should never be wasted, but enjoyed.  You do not have to be busy all the time in order to enjoy life. Life has something different to offer each of us, every moment.  So no matter what time or day it is, make a plan, and start to set sail on a new and exciting course.  Like any new course, your written plan is your guiding map that will show you the way, the way to achievement, and happiness.  You cannot put a price on how good you feel when you have accomplished something you really wanted, your goal.   Your plan should have indicators, or mini goals along the way, to show you that you are still on the right course, or whether you need to make an adjustment.  Your plan has a beginning, but never an end, as we are constantly adding to it.  The course of life, living, and achieving goals, is helping others along the way, and feeling good.


When we take the time to look back over the past year, we have a clear picture of where we have come from.  Sometimes it’s scary to see all the things that happened, and how we coped with them.  You cannot change yesterday, but “You” can change today and tomorrow.  Any mistakes that you made yesterday are lessons in life, and should serve to benefit you in the future.  Nobody ever goes through life without ever making a mistake.  It is the actions we take after the mistake that determine how well we will do.


Looking back over your past year, ask yourself: “were there any special people that you met that influenced you”?  This person could have been someone new, or a person you have known for years.  Did this person alter your course?  Should you have changed your course but were too scared to try?  It is only when we look back, that we can have a clear vision of where we are going in our future.


Your future is as bright and fantastic as “You” want to make it.  You are a special person, never doubt yourself.  Life is for living, and achieving, not just surviving.  Life is a risk; do not be afraid to take chances.  Enjoy your life, quit worrying about things you cannot change, and have fun.  Whose lives will you alter this year?  The choice is yours. Write it down, and make it happen.  You can do it!”




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Hiring the Right Person is Crucial


Hiring the right person is the single, biggest, most important decision, a company will ever make! If you think about that for a moment, you will realize that every employee represents a company; that particular company soon develops a reputation. The company develops its reputation from the people that run it. The employees are the company, they are the ones that sell or develop a product, or perform a service, or both. It is the employee that will make or break a company. Great companies have great employees.


How do you hire the right person for the job? Actually it is easier than you think. The first crucial step is to have a complete, precise job description, along with a salary range for that particular job. The salary range can be determined by what other companies pay for a similar position. Your company should always pay at the top end of the salary range for several reasons. You want to attract the best person, and it makes a statement that the company is not cheap and respects the position and the person doing the job. When you pay the best in the industry, you can expect the best. Think about professional sports teams or endorsements from the top athletes, why do they get paid the most? The answer is simple; they are the superstars and great team players. They get results, plain and simple!


At the end of the day, every company is in business to make a profit and every employee wants to make a good living. However it is not just about money for the employee, it is about being appreciated, being a team player and having fun. “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing”. Andrew Carnegie.


So how do you hire the right person for the job? For a start it will take time to interview candidates. Hiring the right person is by far the most important decision a company will make and it should not be rushed. Whether you choose an agency to select candidates for you or if you do it internally; when you advertise the position, be factual. I cannot overemphasize the importance of an accurate job description; this would include a salary range. It is important to narrow down the number of candidates applying for the position; it will make the selection process easier and less time consuming. After reviewing the applications, the ones that you are not interest in interviewing, should be sent a thank you letter. Although the person receiving the letter will be disappointed, they will at the very least know you are a company that has class. Many companies today cannot be bothered to do this, they say in the advertisement, only suitable candidates will be contacted. It costs very little to send out the letter and the company will be the ultimate beneficiary. It is really good public relations.


The number one qualification a candidate should possess is great communication skills. A good communicator understands and can convey accurate information to other employees and customers. Other important qualifications are; pleasing personality, a positive, can do attitude, sense of urgency, high energy and the right experience for the position. When narrowing down your selection, do not forget to do the background checks. Background checks are a must!


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